Anne Rice,    1941 - 2021

We love you, Anne. Thank you for bringing us into the world. Now, where are we without you?

For our kindred and community, how can we share any appropriately meaningful reflection on Anne Rice in a paragraph or two? Our sorrow is beyond measure. In lieu of writing an Anne Rice novel about Anne Rice, the following are a few uncredited sentiments from CotA and friends:

  • Farewell, dear Queen of the Night. Now you, too, are one of the eternals. Your legacy will live on forever, like the vampires you immortalized in your tales.
  • No words can express my feelings of loss right now. Hearing of the loss of our Queen. I'm beyond saddened to hear of Anne's passing. She blessed us all.
  • Death sucks.
  • I am so very grateful to Anne for what she has given to us all. My sorrow is for the people who are hurting in her absence because I know that Anne is with her family and is happy. Thank you Anne for bringing us all together!
  • Though our beloved creator has passed from this world, she will forever be immortal to us, her fledglings, and all whose lives she forever changed. May flights of angels wing you to your rest dear Lady Anne.
  • Reading Interview in ‘79 saved my life.
  • I’m sure the loss of our creator will resonate for years, but she built great works that live on in us forever… at least we have that.
  • No words can describe the true meaning of what my soul feels. You gave me inspiration, love, light, sorrow, laughs, tears... and when I wrote you trying to explain it all, you understood and kindly replied to me. Part of me is gone with you. Forever grateful, forever yours, eternal love.
  • Not many people have the fortitude to change the world. She did, and then some.
  • Rest in peace, Dear Anne. You were our voice, and our friend. You will always be alive in those you inspired and brought together. I am most grateful to you for helping me find my true family. In the Articulate, You Will Live Forever.
  • Thank you Anne for the present & past, love & indifference, life & death…. everything you’ve shared with us… and as I said to you a few years ago, thank you most of all for not making me sparkle.
Copyright 2024 - Coven of the Articulate™ - We'll miss you, Anne